Friday, May 22, 2009

News! A new idea that may help!

One of our illustrious attendees has "modified" our statement, they are using "I Love You" plus "Thank You," sort of a hybrid! Let's see if that works even faster and better!

More books!

Here are a few more great books, I would add to that list "The Power of Awareness," also by Neville.

Loving What Is Byron Katie
Awakened Imagination Neville
The Science of Mind Ernest Holmes

Recommended Reading

Some books to go into depth with, these should be on everybody's nightstand!

The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
Zero Limits, Joe Vitale
The Disappearance of the Universe, Gary Renard

These three alone, if learned, will move you to a completely new level!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Welcome and I look forward to seeing you soon!

I will be hosting a free seminar for you on Thursday May 21st, 6:30 PM at Cal Northern School of Law.

This seminar will show you four major exercises that you can do to actually solve problems, increase business, clarify relationships and generally get you to a more peaceful and happy state of mind. I have spent years studying various methods and these have boiled down as the cream of the crop, guaranteed to help in just a short time after you put them into practice.

The only catch to this free seminar is that I want to meet with you a few weeks from now and discuss how you are doing and how the things you have learned have helped you.

Please feel free to bring family or friends, RSVP whether you can attend! I can't wait to see you in a context that is not in any way related to filing taxes!