Saturday, February 5, 2011

"You've Got Your Problems, I've Got Mi-ine!" Part 1 of 3

Remember that old tune? I paraphrased a bit, but I think it is familiar. Well I have been working on "problems" a lot the past few months. But I don't mean in the sense that I have problems, and I am working on them. I mean I am working on the whole grand theory of the world of problems in general. And wouldn't you know three favorite books all have a method of "problem-solving" that works! Put all three together and "Voila" your day just got 100% better, and you didn't have to rely on anyone else or anything else happening to make it work.

First of the three is Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" solution. In a nutshell, it is simply this: ask yourself, "What problem do I have RIGHT NOW? Not in ten seconds, not in ten minutes, not next tax season, but RIGHT NOW!" If you have reached the point, after practicing, where you can "be present" in the present moment, you will see that it is true, there are no problems right now. But here is where the magic happens....picture yourself as the zen master who according to Tolle "walks along the razor's edge of the eternal now." Guess what? Try it and see. You can walk along that edge and you will be problem-free guaranteed....UNTIL the moment when your conciousness slips back below the level you were at on the razor's edge of now. When you slip down a notch, your problems will all be there waiting for you in the basement of conciousness, or the time-driven temporal world we normally inhabit. Please try this and see if I am right, it can't hurt, it's free! Stay tuned for Part Two of this three-part series!

1 comment:

  1. "The past is gone and the future does not exist"

    What problems ?

    Thanks Harold

