Sunday, November 29, 2009

Einstein....and You!

Albert Einstein, creator of the Theory of Relativity and e=mc^2, had major problems with the discoveries of quantum physics. He even called non-locality (the property of particles to behave as if they were still together even after being separated)as "Spooky action at a distance." Even the brilliant Einstein wanted things to be found to be the way they had always been assumed to be. He never reconciled this split with his contemporaries.

Wallace D. Wattles, a pioneering thinker of the early 20th century and author of "The Science of Getting Rich," also recognized this "spooky" action, but he merely called it "Thinking Stuff" that "fills every part of the universe."

I hereby propose that we can reconcile all this weird particle behavior and freakiness that even freaked out Einstein with the simple premise put forth in A Course in Miracles: that "all our time is spent in dreaming." That our waking mind is merely asleep on another level, and the real "us" is safe at home all the while we experience this dream/nightmare/trip.

"Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists." -A Course in Miracles

1 comment:

  1. I like this, a safe place to operate from. Ignoring the noise is the way to go...
