Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Level Confusion and Skepticism

Spirit, the Source, whatever we decide to call divinity, does not act in this world. A common mistake is to believe that the spirit works in the world, giving us parking spaces when we need them on Christmas Eve and things like that. Comforting to remember though is that everything we experience in the world is a direct reflection of our mind. When we start to let spirit rule our thoughts rather than the ego, our base ideas at the core of our mind begin to loosen up. This in turn, like the analogy of the projector, causes our "world" view and all the people and things in it to "act" in a kinder, friendlier, wealthier way so to speak.

You do not have to believe this to practice it, to experience miracles. Doubt and skepticism are normal, we all have this resistance. Simply practice the four fundamental exercises we have learned, and see what happens. The doubt you need to remember is any small doubt you may have by now that the world DOES NOT work the way you always thought it did. Just this little doubt in that direction will pry open the door of the dark room and allow the light to begin to shine.

1 comment:

  1. It is almost disturbing how much we create our own reality by our mental creations. Great thoughts! I am enjoying your blog..
