Friday, December 25, 2009

Walk a Mile for a Camel?

Paraphrasing the most awakened man in history is always fun! Jesus said in so many words, "It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to achieve the kingdom of heaven."

Churches, in their infinite convenient wisdom, will often take that type of proverb and turn it into a sales pitch for the donation plate, insinuating that Jesus meant that riches are evil, so "leave them all here with us and you will be poor and thus able to reach heaven faster." Ha! How convenient...and how wrong!

What is being said is what we have previously discussed....that by concentrating on the "worldly" side, which is the ego's side of the mind, one ignores the inner light that needs to be accessed in order to return to spirit, the "correct" side of our mind. So the proverb really means, to paraphrase again, "If you concentrate on the world all the time, you are making the dream-world into a reality for you, and you will never even begin to listen to spirit, which beckons you back to the real world, but only if you choose to listen."

I can't tell you how many times I notice that by tuning out the world through forgiveness and "I Love You," the world just becomes such a better place to me. Things go better, people are nicer, I have to compare it again to fixing the projector. So much better than using a Sharpie(TM) on the screen!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another Projector Repaired!

A very "aware" acquaintance who I have learned a lot from had never heard of the "clearing" we have learned. I introduced her to our "clearing" method. She had some fantastic results which she credits directly to saying "I Love You" over and over to the source inside her mind.
She had been stressing over an upcoming would she get to the airport? Also, she had investment property that needed to be prepped to be ready to rent but who would do it and where would the money come from? To boot, she had a daughter who never communicated and she had felt badly about the distance between her and this child.
Shortly after learning of the clearing method I teach, she miraculously was approached by someone who would be glad to give her a free ride to the airport. Incredibly, she ran into a handyman who did the entire paint and repair job quickly and well on her investment property for a very reasonable fee. Yes, you guessed it. Her daughter called out of the blue, in tears, wanting to finally let it all out and communicate.
I have paraphrased a bit for this posting, but this new seeker is convinced it is the clearing that brought all this good fortune very quickly into her life. This is an experienced metaphysical woman, but she learned a shortcut to peace and prosperity, and I wanted to share her experiences with all of you.
Persistence is the key.......try mentally saying "I Love You" today as often as you can, while emptying your mind of all past thoughts and future worries. I promise you will be glad you did, and I look forward to your email describing the miracles you will soon be experiencing.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Inspiration Age is here!

We were all promised such a bright future. Remember the end of the Space Age? At the beginning of the Information Age? I do! Work weeks in the wonderful future would be shorter, because machines would do all the work! Well, work weeks are very short indeed, just ask anyone who is unemployed!

With this wonderful new Age, who would have dreamed that most families would need at least two workers to bring home enough dough to pay the rent?! Treaties like NAFTA and CAFTA have moved jobs out of the USA but brought no new jobs in. Are we better off than our parents' generation? Has all this Information Overload really helped us? It has helped the banks and the government! I won't start down that slippery slope here though!

My point is this.....people are realizing that there "has got to be more!" But it is not "things" they seek, it is something less tangible. But more important. "Things" didn't satisfy anybody, therefore people are turning inward more and more to find the happiness that has eluded them. I propose that finding the inner light is what they need. Our four-step program can accomplish this! In an instant! Never forget, we are not content with future happiness!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Are we having fun......?

A friend wrote after listening to some rather dry cd's about all these metaphysical topics, and wondered aloud "Where is all the fun?" It made me think to say the least. But an answer as usual was found close by. The fun is that in this world, we do not have to perform perfect behavior. Behavior is irrelevant as long as we are forgiving everything we see. The truth, which simply IS, it doesn't need to be "found" or "figured out," is the idea that only spirit actually exists. The Source or Spirit or God, whatever you want to call that which is in you and nowhere else, is very unconcerned with what goes on in our daytime dreams of this earth. As long as you are forgiving everything here, let inspiration guide your actions and you cannot go wrong, and fun is a big part of the "Happy Dream" which is our goal right now, not in some imagined future which doesn't exist and never will. Perfect forgiveness yes, perfect behavior? NO!