Friday, December 25, 2009

Walk a Mile for a Camel?

Paraphrasing the most awakened man in history is always fun! Jesus said in so many words, "It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to achieve the kingdom of heaven."

Churches, in their infinite convenient wisdom, will often take that type of proverb and turn it into a sales pitch for the donation plate, insinuating that Jesus meant that riches are evil, so "leave them all here with us and you will be poor and thus able to reach heaven faster." Ha! How convenient...and how wrong!

What is being said is what we have previously discussed....that by concentrating on the "worldly" side, which is the ego's side of the mind, one ignores the inner light that needs to be accessed in order to return to spirit, the "correct" side of our mind. So the proverb really means, to paraphrase again, "If you concentrate on the world all the time, you are making the dream-world into a reality for you, and you will never even begin to listen to spirit, which beckons you back to the real world, but only if you choose to listen."

I can't tell you how many times I notice that by tuning out the world through forgiveness and "I Love You," the world just becomes such a better place to me. Things go better, people are nicer, I have to compare it again to fixing the projector. So much better than using a Sharpie(TM) on the screen!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder of how important our thoughts are and how vital it is to direct our focus by having a generous spirit
