Friday, December 11, 2009

The Inspiration Age is here!

We were all promised such a bright future. Remember the end of the Space Age? At the beginning of the Information Age? I do! Work weeks in the wonderful future would be shorter, because machines would do all the work! Well, work weeks are very short indeed, just ask anyone who is unemployed!

With this wonderful new Age, who would have dreamed that most families would need at least two workers to bring home enough dough to pay the rent?! Treaties like NAFTA and CAFTA have moved jobs out of the USA but brought no new jobs in. Are we better off than our parents' generation? Has all this Information Overload really helped us? It has helped the banks and the government! I won't start down that slippery slope here though!

My point is this.....people are realizing that there "has got to be more!" But it is not "things" they seek, it is something less tangible. But more important. "Things" didn't satisfy anybody, therefore people are turning inward more and more to find the happiness that has eluded them. I propose that finding the inner light is what they need. Our four-step program can accomplish this! In an instant! Never forget, we are not content with future happiness!

1 comment:

  1. For a minute there, I thought you were getting "politcal" Ha!. Two words: Personal Responsibility get's us out of this.

    Now as far as what truly matters...Your right, folks are becoming aware that the "future" is here today. Living in and enjoying the moment is very fullfilling. No amount of $$$ or "I wants" can replace that.

    You left us with a teaser...What is the 4 step process.
